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Story tools

Person to person storytelling

Citizens and organizations would be invited to visualize and tell stories about local communities and the impacts of sea level rise in front of a live audience. Participants and experts would learn about community values, sea level rise impacts, and solutions. Results would be recorded by the host and made public for further feedback and use.


Participation level: community, business area, neighbourhood.

Public art & demonstration projects

Public art is inspiring. It can provoke questions and dialogue. Storytelling could be inspired and enhanced through the installation of new and use of current public art pieces. In all communities there are iconic landmarks that may be affected by the impacts of sea level rise. Artists, experts, and citizens could use these landmarks through photography or public gathering exercises to understand where future water will be and how it will affect communities.


New public art pieces may consider physically staking out where new coastlines will be or how high sea level will be on existing infrastructure, e.g. Cambie Bridge stripes in Vancouver. A benefit of public art is that it can be semi-permanent, e.g. sculpture or mural, thereby generating awareness and dialogue for a length of time.


Examples of new infrastructure designs such as bio-engineered erosion protection works could also be erected in place or alongside traditional designs for all citizens to see and learn from. New infrastructure designs could be brought temporarily to public spaces in order for the public to give feedback to designers and government.


Participation level: individual, community, business area, neighbourhood.

Photography & social media

With smart phones photography and social media is common practice. Host organizations could create a photo contest where citizens photograph themselves beside public art or local landmarks that may be impacted by sea level rise. Citizens could demonstrate where waters would be on the art piece or landmark compared to present day water levels. Photographs would be posted to a program instagram, facebook, and twitter account. Participants would be invited to share their thoughts and ideas on sea level rise, community impacts, and adaptation solutions. Social media would be used as a platform for engagement, the exchange, and recording of ideas.


Participation level: individual, community, business area, neighbourhood.


Workbooks & colouring contests

Learning and engagement can occur person to person at a workshop, group to group, online, and in the home within family units. Families help form the social fabric of communities and yet, they can be hard to reach due to time constraints, language barriers, and isolation.


Children can introduce new information into families and be important pathways to learning within the family unit. Multi-lingual workbooks and colouring contests on a variety issues could be used to engage families about sea level rise. Workbooks and colouring contests would challenge participants to show what they like about their communities and to imagine impacts and solutions to sea level rise.



Participation level: family, individual.

​© 2014 RISEstories. Proudly created with All images by Angela Danyluk unless otherwise credited.

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